Lego Place

Lego Place is all about lego. You can learn the story of bionicle and then checkout some lego photos. It is going to be a fun-building time! (lego building)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Lego Town!!!

This is a giant Lego Town!

Bionicle Heroes!

This is the new Bionicle game, BIONICLE HEROES!!! And for Christmas I got it! In the game your on Voya Nui, and there's villians from the past and present from Bionicle. There's Visorak and Bohrok attacking you! And your aganist the evil Piraka! You can unlock stuff, and buy stuff from Matoran Balta's shop. (Red Matoran=Balta) It rocks! I give 5 stars.

I got it for PS2 (Playstation 2)

Mata Nui

If your wondering what the Island of Mata Nui looks like, this is a picture of it!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Life Sized Stuff

These are life sized statues made out of lego! The New Jersey Net's player is chasing you! Chewbecca is calling the other Wookies.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lego Santa

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!