Lego Place

Lego Place is all about lego. You can learn the story of bionicle and then checkout some lego photos. It is going to be a fun-building time! (lego building)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Create Your Own Minifigure

At this link you can create your own minifigure!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Lego Church

This is a lego Church. It's made out of legos, and the people there are minifigures!

Life Sized Lego Bionicle Character

This is a photo of a life sized bionicle. It's name is Tahu. It was in one of my other posts about the first toa.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Life Size-Lego Car!

This is a Life Size car all made of lego bricks, except the tires. (I Think)

Monday, November 20, 2006

What is your favorite lego series?

Out of these lego series which is your favorite????
A-Bionicle B-Exo-Force C-Star Wars D-City

Please reply on comments.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bionicle Star Wars

These are Star Wars characters made out of bionicle pieces.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Another Blog to Check Out!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Just to mention

Just to mention week days are harder to post messages and pictures, and on the weekend I get the pictures from the internet. And try to post them on, but I'm not saying I don't have time on weekdays. Just not as much.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The bionicle quiz I took

Heres the quiz I took to see what bionicle I was. Try it out!

Lego Indians and their hotels :D


Lego battles and Bucking Horses and People in BATTLES

I'm not in any of these pictures.

Lego Bands Rocking and slowly playing


Lego Star Wars Stuff

Some Awesome lego star wars photos!



Some enjoyable lego Photos

What Bionicle Are You???

What Bionicle Are You??? I will ask some questions and give you a bionicle name from the Inika or from the Piraka. Heres the questions:

Which Team is you favorite: A-Inika B-Piraka
Which is your favorite bionicle not from Inika or Piraka? A-Vakama Fire B-Kopaka Ice
What color would you be? A-Red B-Blue C-Black D-Green
What weapon would you have? A-Favorite Element Sword (example fire sword) B-Kanoka Disk C-Force D-Power to make an energy ball

Please post your anwsers by commenting. THANK YOU

2006-Inika vs. Piraka and Inika get help from Matoran

Now the Toa are Toa Inika! Their enemy is the Piraka. Also the Matoran are on the Inika's side, but some of them get captured by the Piraka. When they are captured the poor Matoran are slaves working for the evil Piraka. Both sides are trying to find the new Mask Of light, but there is the 7th Piraka guarding it. This is how he ended up there. He got like shocked by lighting o something, and morphed into Vezon and Fenrakk. He turned into 2 creatures. One of them is a sharp teethed spider thing. (Fenrakk) They are cursed to guard the Mask Of lIght, but what the Inika and Piraka don't know is the Mask Of light is his attached as his mask! The piraka and Inika fight a lot. The piraka get to the Mask Of Light, but Vezon and Fenrakk stop them. Then the Inika get to the place, but Umbra another guardian of the mask attacks them. He's really fast, and powerful. But the Inika stop him at like the last second. Then they attack Vezon and Fenrakk. Another thing they don't know is if you hurt Vezon and Fenrakk they get stronger. So he gets stronger and stronger until the Inika freeze him. Then they get the mask, and they think they can finally save Mata Nui. But there wrong...

Test: Jala

I took this bionicle test, that was called what bionicle are you? There was tons of bionicles that you could be. I took the test, and found out who I was. There was 10 bionicles I was, but the first one was most like me. His name is Jala. I guess he's kinda cute. :)

Finally I got the ANSWER

Ok, The Toa and Rahaga found Keetongu, and they went to fight sidorak and the queen person. (I forget her name) The queen betrays Sidorak, and let's Keetongu get him. Then the queen I think frees Makuta, and Keetongu senses his evil. So they go to another Island, and fight. Makuta makes Keetongu unconcious, but he didn't kill him. I guess that's it. I don't know really. WELL I HOPE YOU ENJOY 2006! WOO!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT! I want to know what you think.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Pirate Ship

Pirate Ship of pirates of course.

Pirates and their treasure

Pirates AHH!

What a Day!

This is all we did to day!
It was great! :D


It's my day off too.

Zoom Zoom Zoom!


Intermission sorry!

I'm so sorry! I need to do research on bionicle. I hope to post the final ending thing about the Toa Hordika. So I'm trying to entertain with lego pictures. SORRY! Heres some more!

Lego Cowboys

The wild wild west cowboys!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Toa Hordika

After the toa's victory they find themselves fighting poisonous Visorak. They fight and the visorak capture the toa in spider webs. they bring them to their king Sidorak. Roodaka realizes the toa's value and persuades her king into sparing the toa's bodies. She gets a plan to use their power and free her love Makuta! The toa emerge from their cacoons transformed into beast like toa hordika, only to find themselves plunging into a certain doom. Then they are rescued by six aged and wise creatures called Rahaga. The Rahaga tell them that Keetongu a creature is their only hope. Will they find him? Find out on another post. The small guys are Toa Hordika.

This is Makuta

This is the main bad guy... MAKUTA!


I found out something. The Vahki are not evil! The Matoran Toa guys built them to protect the city. Their robots, but the disks I think were from evil guys. Who were probably led by Makuta, but I don't know.

Turaga Dume (Not elder yet)

This is Turaga Dume before he is a elder (top). The other thing is a Vahki.(really high)

The New Toa (This page is filled with pics.)

Toa Lhikan gives the powers of toa to six Matoran. They have to train and become GREAT TOA quickly. Once their ready they will show Turaga Dume their ready to be real toa. Now they will do missions to help their Island City. Their mission is to retrieve powerful kanoka disks to rescue their Island City from dark forces. Will they succeed or will darkness rule? Find out on another post. The disks are Kanoka Disks. That little cute guy is Matoran Vakama one of the matoran turned into a toa and the toa is my favorite bionicle ever! The guy with the monster thing is Toa Lhikan.

Did good win? Find out...

They DID!!! I don't know the whole story, but I know that the 7th toa like slashed them or something like that. The 7th toa's name is: Takanuva the toa of light!:O That is him in the picture. He is wearing I guess the old MASK OF LIGHT.


Remember the 2 Matoran that discovered the mask of light? Well they went out on a journey to find the 7th toa, but Makuta sent powerful Rahkshi to stop them. Will good win or will Mata Nui become a shadow of darkness forever? Find out on another post! :) That is a Rahkshi. Again I couldn't get them all together.

Mask Of Light and Bohrok Kal

This is a Bohrok Kal. There is more but I couldn't find all of them together, so I just chose this one. The Bohrok Kal I think are the kings. Their mission is to free the other Bohrok queens that I mentioned before on my blog. Then their going to destroy again. That mask up there is the lengendary MASK OF LIGHT! It belonged to the misterious 7th toa. It is hidden, but 2 Matoran discovered it. (found it)