Lego Place

Lego Place is all about lego. You can learn the story of bionicle and then checkout some lego photos. It is going to be a fun-building time! (lego building)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What Bionicle Are You???

What Bionicle Are You??? I will ask some questions and give you a bionicle name from the Inika or from the Piraka. Heres the questions:

Which Team is you favorite: A-Inika B-Piraka
Which is your favorite bionicle not from Inika or Piraka? A-Vakama Fire B-Kopaka Ice
What color would you be? A-Red B-Blue C-Black D-Green
What weapon would you have? A-Favorite Element Sword (example fire sword) B-Kanoka Disk C-Force D-Power to make an energy ball

Please post your anwsers by commenting. THANK YOU


Blogger #1legofan said...

Inika Thinker Stone Sword: Toa Jallar combined with Toa Nuparu, your name is: Toa Jaru. You think about all the people around you, so you can be sure they are on your side. Your element is stone, and your body color + mask are green. Thanks for taking the quiz.

2:05 PM  
Blogger snowman+penguinlova said...

Which Team is you favorite: B-Piraka
Which is your favorite bionicle not from Inika or Piraka? b- kopaka Ice
What color would you be? B-Blue
What weapon would you have? A-ice sword

3:11 PM  
Blogger #1legofan said...

Piraka Thinker Blue Ice Sword: I think Zaktan combined with Thok. Your name is: Zahok. You think about everyone to make sure there on your side. Your element is Ice, and your body + mask are blue.

4:43 PM  
Blogger #1legofan said...

heres what I would be!

Which Team is you favorite: A-Inika
Which is your favorite bionicle not from Inika or Piraka? A-Vakama Fire
What color would you be? A-Red
What weapon would you have? A-fire sword

6:01 AM  
Blogger #1legofan said...

Then my bionicle would be: Inika leader red fire sword. Toa Jallar. I am all Toa Jallar, so my bionicle is Toa Jallar.

6:03 AM  
Blogger #1legofan said...

Just to mention there's no prize.

6:04 AM  
Blogger #1legofan said...


1:27 PM  

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